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Issue 1

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BEATIFIC is a poetry magazine devoted to bringing readers a slice of the beatific state of bliss through the medium of the written word.

The beatific vision (Latin: visio beatifica) is the ultimate direct self-communication of God or Spirit to the individual person. A person possessing the beatific vision reaches a vision or experience of complete One-ness with the Universe, a glimpse into the ultimate reality.

It's literally the moment one loses him or herself in communion with God

Or spirit.


BEATIFIC is looking for poems that in some way depict the beatific state of bliss. The feeling of one-ness with the universe and the sheer state of awe that exists when affixing attention to one’s surroundings. We suggest taking a look at our magazine or social media accounts for an idea of the type of work we are looking to publish.

Please submit 3-5 TITLED poems of your best work in a Word document to

Submissions should have the author’s name, poem titles, and “submission” in the subject line of the email.

Please include a cover letter and a short autobiographical note telling us about yourself.

"This is something New."

— Ry Downey


Soul brothers, Ry Downey and Elionai Zaerahiah, are passionate about poetry. After one destiny-dipped meeting in Seattle, these two poets recognized their mutual love and passion for mysticism and poetry. They decided to combine their energy and efforts into creating a poetry magazine that showcased what they thought was underrepresented in contemporary poetry. This magazine is the product of their efforts.